The ACTPS Manager’s Toolkit

The Manager’s Toolkit has been developed to provide managers, supervisors and staff with easy access to key resources and policies to assist them understand performance and behaviour principles and expectations in the ACT Public Service. Specifically, the Toolkit provides managers and supervisors with the tools and resources needed for effective people management in the ACTPS, enabling them to proactively manage and resolve workplace behaviour and performance matters as they arise in accordance with best practice principles and at the lowest possible level. Using the resources in the Toolkit will assist managers and supervisors to:

  • Set in place expectations regarding workplace behaviour and performance;
  • Monitor workplace behaviour and performance; and
  • Adjust workplace behaviour and performance when it is not meeting expectations.

Will there be new resources added to the Manager’s Toolkit?

Yes. The Toolkit will be continually evolving with new resources added and policies reviewed and updated. Any new content will be listed on this page, so be sure to check back regularly to see what’s new.

Can I provide feedback?

Yes. We want the Manager’s Toolkit to be useful and relevant to managers/supervisors and staff. If you have feedback, please let us know by sending your comments to

Where to go for more information:

  1. Contact your directorate HR area.
  2. Contact HR Shared Services on 620 79000 or

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