ACT Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulator

1. Organisational Overview

The Australian Capital Territory Compulsory Third-Party Insurance Regulator (CTP regulator) is an independent Territory authority established under section 14 of the Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Act 2008 (CTP Act) to regulate compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance in the Territory.

The CTP Act is administered by the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD). Under section 14 of the CTP Act, the Minister must appoint a public servant as the CTP regulator which must be for not longer than 5 years. The Executive Director of the Economic and Financial Group, CMTEDD was appointed by the Minister as the CTP regulator for a period of 5 years commencing from 9 June 2015. The position is currently held by Ms Karen Doran.

The functions of the regulator are supported by the Financial Framework Management and Insurance Branch of the Economic & Financial Group, within CMTEDD. The regulator’s stakeholders include the members of the ACT community, particularly persons injured in road crashes, motorists who are required by law to purchase CTP insurance, and the licensed insurers.

1.1 Principal Objectives

The role of the CTP regulator is to regulate the CTP insurance scheme in the ACT under the CTP Act. The objectives of the Act under section 5A are to:

  • continue improving the system of CTP insurance, and the scheme of statutory insurance for uninsured and unidentified vehicles operating in the ACT;
  • promote competition for CTP premiums;
  • keep the costs of insurance at an affordable level;
  • provide for the licensing and supervision of insurers;
  • encourage the speedy resolution of personal injury claims;
  • promote and encourage the rehabilitation of people injured in motor accidents;
  • maintain an accurate register of motor accident claims to help the administration of the statutory insurance scheme and the detection of fraud; and
  • promote measures directed at eliminating or reducing causes of motor accidents and mitigating their results.

1.2 Functions

The functions of the CTP regulator are specified in section 14A of the CTP Act and include:

  • regulating the licensing of CTP insurers;
  • monitoring the behaviour of licensed CTP insurers in relation to their obligations under the Act;
  • improving health outcomes for claimants;
  • monitoring the efficiency of the CTP scheme under the Act and identifying areas for amendment; and
  • ensuring that all premiums meet the fully funded test and are not excessive.

1.3 Highlights

Competition and CTP premium reductions

Since the successful introduction of competition to the ACT CTP insurance market commencing in July 2013, the three new entrants – AAMI, APIA and GIO – have cemented their position alongside NRMA insurance in the market.

During 2015-16, in addition to choice in insurance products offered, and higher quality products such as at-fault driver cover provided by a number of insurers, motorists benefited from further reductions in premiums, as shown in Figure 1.  Since competition commenced in the ACT CTP market in July 2013 until 30 June 2016, the average private passenger vehicle premium has fallen by $29.43, or 5 per cent.

Figure 1 – Fall in CTP premium prices since the introduction of competition

Review of the operation of the CTP Act

A review of the operation of the CTP Act (Review report) was presented to the Legislative Assembly on 5 April 2016 (the first sitting day available after 31 March 2016) as required by section 275 of the CTP Act. The review was performed by the scheme actuary with the factual findings of the review based on the claims and premiums experience over the 3 years to 31 December 2015.

The Review report outlines a number of areas where progress has been made in achieving and improving on the objectives of the CTP Act.  These include:

  • the introduction of competition since July 2013 and reduced premiums; and
  • an increase in early payment Motor Accident Notification Form (MANF) claims from 6% of all claims in 2009 to 13% of all claims in 2015.  [i]

The Review report found however, that the operation of the scheme is being impacted by the scheme design and its generous nature, with few qualifying thresholds or caps on some heads of damage (such as pain and suffering). This is because the scheme structure has a strong effect on claim costs, which flows through to high premiums.  As a result, despite the recent decreases in premiums, the affordability of ACT CTP policies compares unfavourably with other jurisdictions.

A comparison of the 2014-15 heads of damage with NSW and Queensland (the most comparable schemes to the ACT), shows that the ACT has a relatively high proportion of claims being paid out on pain & suffering and legal costs, compared with treatment and care costs. The high pain & suffering and legal costs are to the detriment of treatment and care costs being paid to injured parties and/or to scheme premium levels, and are partly attributable to the CTP scheme design.

The Review report notes that significant premium reductions in the future would require scheme reform. A full copy of the Report can be found at:

Online quiz

During 2015-16, the CTP regulator conducted a short online CTP insurance quiz, consisting of a range of true or false questions, that was available on the CTP insurance website from 18 April to 15 May. The quiz targeted more than 265,000 Canberra motorists aged 17-65 and digital and printed mediums were used to raise awareness about the quiz. [ii]

The quiz was designed to gauge drivers’ level of knowledge of the ACT CTP scheme and to improve, amongst other things, the understanding of the current arrangements, and importantly, the circumstances required to be eligible for CTP payments.

A total of 1,632 participants took part in the quiz with 79 per cent of participants answering five or more questions out of ten correctly.  Despite the pass rate, the majority of participants (62 per cent) answered three to five answers incorrectly.

An analysis of the data (where there was a relatively high proportion of incorrect responses) shows that in general Canberra motorists lack knowledge about:

  • the nature and meaning of an ‘at-fault’ system, and the need to prove fault in order to receive compensation;
  • what a CTP policy covers in terms of insurance;
  • the relative cost of the ACT’s CTP scheme compared to other jurisdictions;
  • the relative proportion of different payments by the scheme, including the relatively low proportion of scheme payments made for medical expenses for injured persons; and
  • eligibility for the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme (when injuries are catastrophic).

The results are assisting the CTP regulator in developing strategies aimed at enhancing motorists’ understanding of the key features and benefits provided by the scheme.

Other highlights

The CTP regulator also:

  • as part of the Taxi Industry Innovation Review (TIIR) reforms, amended legislation to create a rideshare CTP premium class (25A) to accommodate Uber’s operations commencing in the ACT; requested the ACT CTP insurers to submit revised CTP premium filings for ridesharing; and assisted the process of insurers reviewing premiums for taxi and hire cars, relative to rideshare premiums;
  • met with the ACT CTP insurers, the ACT Nominal Defendant and the Industry Council of Australia to share information and discuss a range of topical issues, with the aim of continually refining the operation of the CTP Insurance scheme;
  • promoted public awareness of the causes of motor accidents by financially supporting speeding; texting while driving; safer cycling; and driver distraction campaigns during 2015-16 in conjunction with the Road Safety Unit of the Justice and Community Safety Directorate;
  • updated the CTP regulator website to improve transparency and understanding of CTP insurance, including: providing information on competition and ridesharing; clarifying a range of terms associated with CTP insurance; introducing simpler and clearer steps to making a claim; and introducing new frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common misnomers and recurring issues raised by the public; and
  • maintained the CTP website and responded to feedback from the public received by way of telephone calls through Canberra Connect, via the CTP website at, and via general written correspondence.

1.4 Market Share

The ACT Government established competition to, amongst other things, introduce innovative CTP insurance products; place downwards pressure on premiums; encourage more direct pathways to rehabilitation and treatment; and encourage a quicker return to health while obviating as many long-term injuries as possible.

Market share indicates the proportion of the CTP market held by each insurer. It provides an indication of how the ACT community is reacting to a competitive market as well as reflecting how the new insurers are establishing themselves in the market.

Information from insurers indicates that a significant proportion of motorists are changing CTP policies based on the premiums on offer at the time of renewal. This was reinforced by the findings of the section 275 Review report which found that: “The ACT CTP market has exhibited considerable price sensitivity with relatively small reductions leading to increased market share for respective brands.”

Figures 1 and 2 show the average market share for 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively, based on premiums collected by insurers.

During their second year of operation in 2014-15, Suncorp (GIO, APIA and AAMI) garnered a market share of 23.5per cent, up from an average of 10.2 per cent in the preceding year. NRMA held the balance of the market share with 76.5 per cent in 2014-15

Figure 1 - Market Share over the 2014-15 financial year

Over 2015-16, Suncorp’s market share continued to increase, rising to a share of 40.2 per cent.  NRMA’s share declined to 59.8 per cent (a decline of 16.7 percentage points compared to 2014-15).

Figure 2 - Market Share over the 2015-16 financial year

1.5 Premiums and scheme affordability

One of the objectives of the CTP Act is to keep the costs of insurance at an affordable level.

As previously highlighted in the findings of the review of the scheme, the premiums charged by insurers reflect the benefit structure underlying the ACT’s CTP insurance scheme. The ACT’s scheme design differs from that of other State CTP schemes which tend to contain limits on benefits. For example, other CTP schemes limit access to common law and damages for non-economic loss (general damages and pain and suffering) to severe injuries. The ACT arrangements are reflected in the higher premiums motorists pay in the Territory and hence impacts on the relative affordability of our scheme.

Affordability, measured as premiums as a proportion of ACT average weekly earnings, declined over the period 2009-10 to 2013-14. This reflects average premiums increasing at a faster rate than the increase in average weekly earnings throughout this period. However, affordability has improved in 2014-15 and again in 2015-16 in trend terms due to recent premium reductions.

Figure 3 –Average Premiums for Private Passenger Vehicles and as a
Proportion of ACT Average Weekly Earnings

1.6 Average cost of claims and claims frequency

The claims frequency and average cost of a claim are important drivers of CTP insurance premiums.  The higher the claims frequency and average cost per claim, the more funding insurers need to cover future claim payments and hence the need to set higher premiums.

Figure 4 demonstrates that the average claims cost for 2015-16 increased by $37,334 or 45.7 per cent over 2014-15 to $119,109. The ACT’s claims management system indicates that in part, this large increase was due to several multi-million dollar claims being finalised in the 2015-16 year. Total payments made in the over $1 million category during 2015-16 (which related to accidents in 2011-12 and 2012-13) were three times higher than they were during 2014-15.

Claims frequency is an important measure as it indicates the proportion of the Territory’s motor vehicles that are involved in a motor vehicle accident. It is calculated by dividing the number of CTP claims by the number of registered vehicles.

The frequency of claims decreased in 2015-16 relative to the period 2011-12 to 2014-15. For the CTP Scheme overall, claims frequency has remained within a fairly tight band over the 2011-12 to 2015-16 period, hovering between a low of 29 and a high of 39 (that is, 29 to 39 in every 10,000 motor vehicles were involved in an accident).

Figure 4 – Average Claim Costs and Claims Frequency


In deriving claims frequency, the number of claims are those added in the quarter and converted to a yearly basis, which are divided by the number of ACT registered vehicles with a CTP policy (excludes trailers and non-engine caravans / campervans).

The average cost per claim is based on the payments made for the number of claims finalised in the quarter and converted to a yearly basis.

1.7 Fraud

One of the objectives of the CTP Act is to establish and keep a register of motor accident claims to assist with the administration of the statutory insurance scheme and the detection of fraud.

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) which is responsible for the NSW CTP insurance scheme has noted that cold calling and the use of claims farming practices is growing and that there is evidence that the issue is emerging in other CTP schemes around Australia, however, NSW appears to be the ‘epicentre’. [iii]

SIRA estimates that the additional cost to NSW motorists of fraudulent and exaggerated claims is as much as $400 million per year. [iv] After a review of the NSW insurance industry, SIRA has identified that the problem is with a significant increase in the number of CTP minor severity, legally represented claims (the increase in minor injury, legally represented claims is estimated to be about 20% in each calendar year 2013 and 2014 and nearly 40% in 2015).[v]

The CTP regulator has been analysing the ACT’s scheme data, and is working co-operatively with other Heads of Motor Accident Insurance Schemes in regard to fraud issues and monitoring.

The typical characteristics of fraud that have tainted the NSW CTP schemes are not currently evident on a systemic basis within the ACT CTP scheme. For example, as Figure 4 showed, claims frequency since 2011 has remained within a tight band (unlike the NSW CTP scheme with an average annual growth estimated of over 5 per cent for the same period). Further, the ACT Scheme has not experienced a spike in minor severity claims in recent years.

During 2015-16, the CTP regulator migrated the Personal Injury Register – the claims register of all motor accidents occurring in the ACT – from the Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission to the ACT Government’s ICT platform. This provides the CTP regulator the ability to customise the system. The CTP regulator is currently pursuing enhanced statistical analysis and fraud detection reports.

1.8 Claims payments

Figure 5 provides details on claim payments by heads of damage. The data shown captures payments that have been finalised and made in the relevant financial year, but which relate to earlier accident periods. So, for example, for the claims payments finalised and made in 2015-16, these data relates to claims for the accident period of 2009 to 2016.

As the bulk of the claims finalised during 2015-16 relate to the 2013 and 2014 accident periods, with some claims payments also made in regard to earlier years, this highlights the length of time taken to settle claims between parties and the access that injured persons have to the courts, where judgements take time to be finalised.

In relation to the 2015-16 CTP claim payments:

  • general damages was the largest payment type and represented 29.2 per cent of payments;
  • legal costs represented 24.3 per cent of payments (not including solicitor-client fees);
  • treatment and care costs for injured persons were $22.8 million, or 23.3 per cent of payments; and
  • economic loss costs constituted 23.2 per cent of claim payments. [vi]

Over the period 2011-12 to 2015-16 the fastest growing components of claim payments continued to be for economic loss and legal costs which had average annual growth rates of 63.8 per cent per annum and 53.1 per cent per annum respectively.

However, there was a significant increase in the payment of treatment and care costs made between 2014-15 and 2015-16, which led to the average annual growth rate increasing to 50.9 per cent per annum for treatment and care over the same period. This is attributable to the larger average claim size experienced by the scheme during 2015-16 that resulted from several multi-million payments being made in the June quarter of 2016 for the 2011-12 and 2012-13 financial years. The average annual growth rate for general damages was 29.3 per cent per annum over the period 2011-12 to 2015-16.

These trends reflect both the existing CTP Scheme design as well as the percentage of claimants who choose to pursue a court settlement for their claim.

Figure 5 – Distribution of Claims Payments by Heads of Damage


Treatment and care costs comprise ‘treatment costs’ and ‘past and future care costs’.

General Damages comprise ‘General Damages costs’ and Economic Loss costs comprise ‘Economic Loss costs’.

Legal costs comprise ‘Defendant legal costs’, ‘Investigation costs’ and ‘Plaintiff Legal costs’, but do not include solicitor-client fees.

1.9 Profit Margins

Section 46 of the CTP Act requires that the CTP regulator assess the profit margin included in the CTP premium and the actuarial basis on which the profit is calculated. The assessments must be reported on annually.

In regard to the relevant filing documents of the insurers during 2015-16 (with effective dates of 1 July 2015 for NRMA; 17 September 2015 for AAMI and GIO; and 1 April 2016 for AAMI, GIO and APIA), the regulator received actuarial advice from the scheme’s actuary. All the insurers’ profit margins were assessed as being in a reasonable range. These profits are expected profits at the time premiums are filed.

The range for the industry as assessed by the scheme actuary in 2015-16 was 8 per cent to 12 per cent (in 2014-15 the range was 7 per cent to 12 per cent).

1.10 Premium Determinations

Section 38 of the CTP Act provides that insurers are only permitted to charge a premium approved by the regulator.

The regulator usually receives a premium filing from licensed insurers at least annually. The regulator makes an assessment of each premium filing, based on expert independent actuarial advice, and may approve a premium if it is assessed that it will fully fund the insurer’s liabilities and is not considered to be excessive. If a premium filing is not received within a year, the regulator has to review and assess the existing premium in accordance with the same criteria.

A premium filing assessment considers claims frequency, claim size, investment returns, administrative expenses, legal expenses and insurer profit – generally elements that serve to make up the overall cost of service for an insurer participating in the ACT CTP market.

The role of the CTP scheme actuary is to provide expert actuarial advice to the CTP regulator. This role is performed by Cumpston Sarjeant Consulting Actuaries, under contract.

1.11 Licensed Insurers

Under section 184 of the CTP Act, the regulator may license an insurer to provide CTP insurance in the ACT.

No new applications from other insurers to become licensed insurers in the ACT were received during 2015-16.

1.12 Loadings on Short Term Premiums

The following loadings apply to premiums on CTP policies with a duration of less than 12 months (‘Short Term Premiums’):

  • insurer’s administration loading: $2.50; and
  • insurer’s lost investment income loading.

The CTP Premium Guidelines require the CTP regulator to publish the insurer’s lost investment income loading each year in the annual report. These loadings will be applied to short term premiums by the rego.act system in accordance with the formula in section 3.5.4 of the premium guidelines. The amount is determined by the scheme actuary and will apply for the relevant financial year. The loading for the 2016-17 financial year is 0.175 per cent per month.

1.13 CTP Average Annual Risk Premium

The regulator is required to publish the average annual risk premium for CTP in the ACT. The risk premium represents the base risk amount that each insurer bears when providing CTP insurance in the ACT. Presently there are four licensed CTP insurers in the ACT. As such, the risk premium has been derived using a weighted average of data from all of the insurers and the Nominal Defendant in order to determine the average risk premium price per policy.

The average risk premium price per policy for 2015-16 was $441.44.

1.14 Nominal Defendant

The Nominal Defendant is liable for claims against uninsured or unidentified motor vehicles (including unregistered vehicle permits) for which a CTP insurer cannot be identified. Under section 13 of the CTP Act, the Australian Capital Territory Insurance Authority (ACTIA) is the Nominal Defendant.  The Annual Report of the Nominal Defendant is annexed to ACTIA’s Annual Report.

Section 3.5.2 of the CTP Premium Guidelines requires the Nominal Defendant Loading to be assessed on a yearly basis by the scheme actuary. The Nominal Defendant loading that will ‘apply to the next financial year’ is to be published in the CTP regulator’s annual report.

At the request of the CTP regulator, the scheme actuary has undertaken a review of the Nominal Defendant loading for 2016-17 and determined that the Nominal Defendant Loading will remain at 4.0 per cent (the loading was increased to 4.0per cent in 2015-16).

1.15 Outlook

Priorities in 2016-17 and over the next three financial years relate to the objectives of the CTP Act. In this context, the CTP regulator will:

  • progress the modification of the Personal Injury Register to allow improved analysis of scheme statistics and trends, including fraud detection, to be undertaken;
  • develop legislative requirements to establish a new light rail vehicle (LRV) CTP premium class and incorporate LRVs into the CTP Act to ensure that personal injuries arising from a traffic accident involving a LRV are treated in a consistent manner with accidents involving other vehicles;
  • review the CTP premium filing process with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the process for all impacted parties;
  • enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) that provides access to data and other information on the financial health of ACT CTP insurers;
  • review the regulatory requirements and appropriate legislative arrangements for the on-demand transport industry; and
  • contribute to targeted road safety initiatives that assist in reducing motor accidents and personal injuries, and mitigating their impact.

2. Performance Analysis

The ACT Compulsory Third-Party (CTP) Insurance regulator’s 2015-16 performance indicators are included in the Statement of Intent, and are reported as part of the regulator’s Statement of Performance.

The 2015-16 financial year saw the CTP regulator develop and accomplish the following indicators.

Explanation of Performance Indicators

CTP Premiums are approved in accordance with the Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Act 2008

The CTP regulator is required to approve or reject a premium application under section 41 of the Road Transport (Compulsory Third-Party Insurance) Act 2008 (CTP Act). Under section 42, there are two grounds that permit the CTP regulator to reject a premium filing. These grounds are that the premiums applied for by CTP insurers are too low (the fully funded test) or are too high (the excessive premium test).

The premium filings received from NRMA in April 2015 (effective 1 July 2015) and in November 2015 (effective 1 April 2016) were assessed and approved in accordance with the CTP Act.

The premium filings received from AAMI and GIO in July 2015 (effective September 2015), and from AAMI, GIO and APIA in November 2015 (effective from April 2016) were also assessed and approved in accordance with the CTP Act.

The scheme is fully funded

All premium filings by licensed CTP insurers are reviewed by the scheme actuary to ensure they are fully funded. Review of the premium filings ensures that the scheme is able to pay out all present and future liabilities. Where an insurer does not make a premium submission during the financial year, the CTP regulator will request an independent actuarial review of the insurers’ books to ensure that the ACT CTP Insurance scheme will continue to be fully funded. The scheme actuary considered that all insurers’ premiums met the fully funded test in 2015-16.

Make guidelines under the Act

Issues on the guidelines under the CTP Act were discussed as a standing item at the 2015-16 Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) meeting held between the CTP regulator; insurers; the ACT Nominal Defendant; and the ICA, as well as at out-of-session meetings with insurers.

The new CTP Premium Guidelines 2015 (No 2) commenced on 3 November 2015 after consultation with insurers. The main change included revisions to incorporate a new CTP premium class for rideshare vehicles (25A) into the CTP scheme.

No revisions to the Early Payment Guidelines were made in 2015-16. However, a review of claim forms currently being undertaken between the CTP regulator, insurers and the ACT Law Society, which will amend the Motor Accident Notification Form (early payment form), has identified that changes will also be required to the Early Payment Guidelines in the future.

No other guidelines have been implemented under the Act in 2015-16.

To continue to refine the system of CTP insurance for vehicles in the ACT in conjunction with the insurers

The CTP regulator and insurers met once during 2015-16 at a meeting facilitated by the ICA (out-of-session teleconferences were also conducted with insurers on important issues). The meeting and teleconferences included discussions on a range of issues targeted at improving the CTP scheme. This included developing Sharing Guidelines for the Industry Deed; reviewing the data, circumstances and approach to ridesharing; revising the CTP claims forms to reduce duplication and address issues with doctors not filling out two medical forms; reviewing the premium filing process to improve efficiency; and progressing implementation of the Personal Injury Register on the ACT ICT platform.

Promote public awareness of the causes of motor accidents through funding measures directed at reducing causes of motor vehicle accidents

The CTP regulator is contributing $75,500 to various road safety strategies aimed at mitigating third-party motor vehicle injuries in 2015-16. This comprises: $16,300 for a speeding campaign; $6,000 for a texting while driving initiative; $26,600 for a safer cycling initiative; and $26,600 for a driver distraction campaign.

Complaints handling within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint

Of the five written complaints received in 2015-16, four complaints were responded to within the 10 working day timeframe. This is equivalent to a compliance rate of 80.0 per cent, which is slightly down on the 83.3 per cent compliance achieved for 2014-15. The one complaint not met within the timeframe was a complex issue involving discussions with the CTP insurers.

3. Scrutiny

During the reporting period the CTP regulator did not participate in any Legislative Assembly Committee inquiries related to its activities.

There were no Audit Office reports with recommendations in respect to the CTP regulator, and no Ombudsman reports.

4. Risk Management

The CTP regulator has a risk management plan in accordance with the Australian/New Zealand risk management AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 and the ACT Government’s “Enterprise Wide Risk Management Framework”. The CTP regulator has overall responsibility for risk management, and for ensuring compliance with the risk management plan.

The risk management plan identifies the key risk areas as operational, financial, legal and reputational risk. The risk management plan has identified the following potential risks:

  • CTP regulator not meeting stakeholder expectations;
  • insufficient resources available to achieve statutory requirements caused by new insurers entering  the ACT scheme; and
  • failure to meet legislative requirements.

These risks are mitigated through the use of appropriate governance structures, application of risk based management strategies and financial reporting processes.

5. Internal Audit

The CTP regulator is part of the CMTEDD Audit and Risk Committee.

CMTEDD’s Annual Report section on Internal Audit Committee applies to the CTP regulator.

No internal audits of the CTP regulator were undertaken during 2015-16.

6. Fraud Prevention

The functions of the CTP regulator are supported by the Financial Framework Management and Insurance Branch of the Economic and Financial Group, CMTEDD who adhere to the CMTEDD Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plan.

7. Workplace Health and Safety

The CTP regulator does not employ any personnel.

The functions of the CTP regulator are supported by the Financial Framework Management and Insurance Branch of the Economic and Financial Group, CMTEDD who adhere to the Directorate’s Workplace Health and Safety practices.

8. Human Resource Management

The CTP regulator does not employ personnel. The functions of the CTP regulator are supported by the Financial Framework Management and Insurance Branch of the Economic and Financial Group, CMTEDD.

The CMTEDD’s Annual Report section on HR management applies to the CTP regulator.

9. Ecologically Sustainable Development

The CMTEDD’s Annual Report section on Ecologically Sustainable Development applies to the CTP regulator.

10. Capital Works

The CTP regulator did not undertake any Capital Works Projects in the 2015-16 financial year.

11. Asset Management

The CTP regulator has no assets other than its operational bank account. The CTP regulator does not have the capacity to invest funds over the medium to long term.

12. Government Contracting

The CTP regulator is party to the following agreements:

External Sources of Labour and Service (Total contract value exceeds $200,000)

Name Description and Reason for Contract Cost $ (GST Exclusive) Procurement Type Contract Date
Cumpston Sarjeant Consulting Actuaries Provide actuarial review and advice $96,000 Public Tender Jan 2014

For further information contact:

Karen Doran
CTP Regulator
+ 61 2 6207 0264


[i]   MANF claims comprise an early payment of up to $5,000 from the CTP insurer without the need for formal claim lodgement and without the requirement for legal representation. Such claims allow ‘fast track’ access to medical and treatment costs allowing the speedy rehabilitation of motor accident injuries, and represent lower cost claims.

[ii]   The digital and direct mediums used included: the ACT Government Facebook and Twitter pages; digital and hardcopy versions of the Our Canberra newsletter; and other internal ACT Government publications.

[iii]  Deterring fraudulent and exaggerated claims in the NSW CTP insurance scheme, State Insurance Regulatory Authority, page 5.  See:

[iv]   Ibid.

[v]   Ibid.

[vi]  A small component for ‘other costs and recoveries’ totalling $0.276 million has been excluded from the heads of damage breakdown.

[vii]  Dr. S Rickard, ACT Lifetime Care and Support Participant Feedback Research 2016 – Research Report, p. 10

[viii]  The levy amount payable by all workers’ compensation insurers and self-insurers in the ACT were based on market share estimates for each insurer and self –insurer payable for the relevant contribution period.

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