Agency Specific Annual Report Requirements

Agency Specific Annual Report Requirements

E. Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development

Tobacco compliance testing

Access Canberra did not undertake any Tobacco Compliance Testing during in the 2017-18 financial year. Compliance Testing is used when there is a level of non-compliance identified that warrants this type of activity being undertaken.

Access Canberra continues to monitor complaint data and encourages the reporting of any suspected unlawful conduct in relation to this matter.

F. Education and Training

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has no responsibility for the investigation of complaints under section 22 of the Education Act 2004 nor for the Teachers Quality Institute and therefore has no items to report against this section.

G. Health

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has no responsibility for reporting under the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994, this responsibility lies with the Chief Psychiatrist and Care Coordinator.

H. Gambling and Racing

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has nothing to report against this section as it relates specifically to reporting by the Gambling and Racing Commission.

I. Ministerial and Director-General Directions

This section relates to reporting of Ministerial and Director-General Directions under the following acts:

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate did not receive any directions under the above acts.

J. Public Land Management Plans

Albert Hall is managed by ACT Property Group as the custodian on behalf of the Territory. The Land Management Plan overarching this site applies to the entirety which includes the building and the immediate surrounding grounds.

K. Third Party Insurance

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has no responsibility to report against this matter. Information on this matter is reported in the ACT Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulator Annual Report, which is annexed to this report.

L. Victims of Crime

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has no responsibility for reporting under the Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Act 1983.

M. Waste Minimisation Contraventions

The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate has no responsibility to report under section 18 Waste Minimisation Act 2001, information against this section should be included in the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate Annual Report.