Output 1.4 Digital Strategy

Output 1.4 Digital Strategy


The directorate, through the Office of the Chief Digital Officer (OCDO), drives digital transformation across the Service by providing strategic direction and advice on WoG digital and ICT strategy.

The directorate sets the framework for digital transformation with the ACT Government Digital Strategy. Strategic governance is overseen by the Digital Services Governance Committee, which provides guidance over technology architecture, standards and practices and governs several measures to ensure that the digital portfolio aligns with the government strategic direction.

CMTEDD provides support and guidance to Strategic Board in respect of the alignment of technology initiatives in the budget planning process.


Against this output in 2017-18, the directorate led two strategic projects:

In addition, the directorate:

The directorate met all its 2017-18 accountability indicators against this output.

The one target that was exceeded was:

Future Direction

In 2018-19 the directorate will continue to:

Further information can be obtained from

Bettina Konti
Chief Digital Officer
Office of the Chief Digital Officer
+ 61 2 6207 2242