Output 3.3 Sport and Recreation

Output 3.3 Sport and Recreation


The directorate is responsible for the delivery of Government’s sport and active recreation policies, including targeted funding programs, training opportunities and sector development that supports increased sport and active recreation participation for the ACT community. Active Canberra also supports local athletes to reach their potential through the ACT Academy of Sport (ACTAS), manages the Territory’s support scheme for elite sporting teams, and works with a range of stakeholders in identifying and progressing future facility needs.


During 2017-18, the directorate:

The directorate has two accountability indicators against this output, both of which were met:

Future Direction

In 2018-19 the directorate will:

Further information can be obtained from

Kareena Arthy
Deputy Director-General
Economic Development
+ 61 2 6207 5564

Rebecca Kelley
A/g Director
Sport and Recreation
+ 61 2 6207 4389