Output 1.1 Government Policy and Reform


The directorate, through Policy and Cabinet, provides advice and direction across the ACTPS on complex policy matters, incorporating a central agency coordination role in strategic planning, social and economic policy, regulation reform, regional policy and government information. The directorate supports the Chief Minister, Cabinet and its Subcommittees and the Head of Service as Secretary of Cabinet through the provision of policy and support, secretariat functions and advice. The directorate monitors the progress of government priorities as articulated through the government’s election commitments, the Parliamentary Agreement and strategic priorities.

CMTEDD provides secretariat support to the Policy Council. The Council comprises a Deputy Director-General representing each directorate. Similar to Strategic Board, it is intended that members take a whole of government (WoG), one service and strategic approach. Policy Council is chaired by the Deputy Director-General, Policy and Cabinet, CMTEDD.

The directorate supports the Chief Minister in representing the ACT at intergovernmental forums and manages and coordinates the ACT’s relationships with other jurisdictions and the Commonwealth. Most notably this includes:

The directorate coordinates regulatory and process reform efforts across government.


In 2018-19 the directorate:

The directorate met all six accountability indicators against this output.

Future Direction

In 2019-20 the directorate will:

Further information can be obtained from

Leesa Croke
Deputy-Director General
Policy and Cabinet
+ 61 2 6207 3751