Chief Minister Talkback Summary - 9 November 2018

Posted on 13/07/2022

Calls received on air

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: The caller phoned concerning covered up speed signs travelling northbound on the Monaro Highway and after the turn off to Queanbeyan. The speed limit is unclear here.

Response: The Chief Minister said we will go and have a look and make sure that it can be made clearer for drivers.

OUTCOME: An officer from Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) contacted the caller. The officer explained that the site has been inspected and all appropriate signage has been uncovered on Lanyon Drive and adjacent to the Monaro Highway. There are still road works underway on the NSW side of the Lanyon Drive and these works are expected to continue for several weeks.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: The caller phoned with concerns about children using flagged school crossings outside of school hours in Gilmore and Kitchener Streets, Garran. The caller requested wombat crossings be installed at these locations for increased safety and to act as traffic calming.

Response: The Chief Minister said he would have the roads team to take a look at the possibilities are.

OUTCOME: A TCCS officer contacted the caller. The caller was advised that pedestrian and wombat crossings are used to provide amenity for pedestrians in locations with high pedestrian demand and high traffic volumes. Speed humps have been provided on both approaches to the children’s crossing on Kitchener Street to reduce traffic speeds and increase safety for pedestrians, particularly children. The caller was also advised that additional improvements will be delivered in the coming months at the children’s crossing on Gilmore Crescent to reduce traffic speeds and increase safety for children accessing Garran Primary School.

Calls that didn’t make it to air

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: The caller phoned to suggest using flex buses as a solution with regard to hospital stops under the new network.

OUTCOME: A TCCS officer phoned the caller and advised that the flexible transport service has been considered as a solution and further information regarding accessibility and running times will be available later in the year.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Garbage Collection

OUTCOME: A TCCS officer contacted the caller and they were advised that the Territory provides free bulky waste collections for householders who hold a pensioner concession card/seniors card.  This can be organised by visiting All contact details are listed on the website.

Directorate: JACS

Issue: The caller phoned regarding Tenants / landlord rights re smoking

OUTCOME: A JACS Officer contacted the caller and explained that the ACT Civil and Administrate Tribunal had made a practice declaration in 2009 allowing tenancy agreements to include a non-smoking clause. The caller was also advised of where to view the recent amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997, and encouraged to make a submission in the context of future reviews of that Act.


Directorate: Health

Issue: Last week Tara Cheyne's motion to investigate establishing a breast milk bank in Canberra was supported unanimously by all 3 parties. What will the investigation look like, who will be consulted And when can we expect an outcome of the investigation?

Response: The Chief Minister does not yet have the detail on how it will be implemented. He will take the question on notice and we will get back in contact with the caller.

OUTCOME: Health contacted the caller, who advised she was very pleased that the Health Directorate are conducting a feasibility study in relation to a donor Breastmilk Bank in the ACT.

The caller was advised the Health Directorate is in the process of establishing a Committee to investigate the feasibility of a donor Breastmilk Bank in the ACT. The Committee may seek advice from stakeholders including the Australian Red Cross; WYC; the Clinical Director of Neonatology and others.

Data to be included in the assessment of the feasibility study may include factors such as the number of neonates in Canberra Neonatal Intensive Care Units expected to require donor milk per year; the cost of setting up the process for a local milk bank including pasteurising facilities; the cost of individual bottles of milk vs cost of delivery from a NSW based milk bank; and advice from community organisations about the expected demand in the community.

SMS/Texts that didn’t make it to air

Directorate: Access Canberra

Issue: Advertising Billboards at Airport and Developments near former ABC flats are simply distracting, not found in any other parts of Canberra. Where else can we air our complaints and get them to be taken down?

OUTCOME: Access Canberra contacted the caller to advise that complaints about advertising can be directed to Ad Standards at