9 December 2019

Cabinet date: Tuesday, 10 December 2019

ACT Disaster Assistance Guidelines

Minute number: 19/702/CAB

The Security and Emergency Management Committee of Cabinet agreed to establish the ACT Disaster Assistance Guidelines as a policy under the ACT Recovery Sub-Plan and the first tranche of three immediate ACT Disaster Assistance measures to support community relief and recovery from emergencies.

Exercise System Black Preliminary Lessons Learnt Report

Minute number: 19/705/CAB

The Security and Emergency Management Committee of Cabinet noted the preliminary lessons learnt from Exercise System Black and the establishment of an associated lessons learnt action plan.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Triple Bottom Line Assessment was required for this item.

Tax Expenditure Statement 2018-19

Minute number: 19/527/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the public release of the ACT Tax Expenditure Statement 2018-19.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Triple Bottom Line Assessment was required for this item.

ACT Small and Medium Scale Feed-in Tariff Scheme Review and Audit Report 2019

Minute number: 19/465/CAB

Cabinet noted the findings of the ACT Small and Medium-scale Feed-in Tariff Scheme Review and ACT Small and Medium-scale Feed-in Tariff Scheme Audit Report and agreed to the response outlined in the Government Response, including drafting legislative amendments as appropriate to the Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008.

Strategic Accommodation Framework for ACT Policing

Minute number: 19/573/CAB

Cabinet agreed to endorse a principle-based framework to provide accommodation infrastructure for ACT Policing to meet the needs of the community for now and into the future.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Triple Bottom Line Assessment was required for this item.

Government submission to the Inquiry into the Product Stewardship Amendment (Packaging and Plastics) Bill 2019

Minute number: 19/556/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the Government Submission to the inquiry into the Product Stewardship Amendment (Packaging and Plastics) Bill 2019.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Triple Bottom Line Assessment was required for this item.

Potentially combustible cladding review - update

Minute number: 19/698/CAB

Cabinet noted an update on the review of ACT Government Buildings and agreed next steps to progress work associated with the presence of potentially combustible cladding on buildings in the ACT.

A Triple Bottom Line Assessment was undertaken, and it was determined the submission did not impact on any categories.