ACT Public Service Workforce 2016-17

3. Upholding the ACT Public Service values

Page 53 – Preventing bullying and harassment

Table 6 – Mechanisms of reporting bullying and harassment (2014-15 to 2016-17)

Contacts received by directorate RED Contact Officers




Contacts received by HR (not by a RED Contact Officer)




Contacts received through RiskMan




Contacts received through other mechanisms




All respondents: 2014-15 = 14, 2015-16 = 8, 2016-17 = 7

In 2016-17, the number of contacts received through RiskMan was reported incorrectly due to an error in the reporting methodology. It should have been reported as 132 contacts, not 38.

Riskman is the ACT Public Service automated system for reporting workplace safety incidents. It is one of several mechanisms used to report contacts made by employees relating to behaviour in the workplace that includes possible bullying and harassment. Notifications made through RiskMan are a subjective indicator and the figures reported in 2015-16 and 2017-18, represent the total number of reports made through RiskMan by an ACTPS employee where the cause selected by the employee is ‘work colleague’. It is important to note that the figures captured in the above table are not a ‘one for one’ indicator of bullying and harassment as it is possible for an employee to report through multiple mechanisms, or, have multiple employees report the same incident.

4. A diverse workforce: reflecting the Canberra community

Page 78 – Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Table 25 – Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Snapshot (June 2017)

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Employees by Directorate



Transport Canberra and City Services



The headcount and percentage of the workforce for employees that identified as Culturally and Linguistically diverse within the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate was reported incorrectly in the 2016-17 State of the Service Report. This was due to an issue with the transfer of data between IT systems. It should have been a headcount of 296 employees (15.7 per cent of the TCCS workforce), not a headcount of 472 (25.1 per cent).

1 2014-15 data is inclusive of ACT Public Sector bodies.