Chapter 3.2 Senior Executive Service

The capability of public service senior executives is key to successfully driving outcomes and delivering better services to the Canberra community. The Head of Service has been driving reforms to create a more agile and mobile Senior Executive Service.


The Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSM Act) was amended in 2016 to establish the Senior Executive Service (SES). The amendments created a clearer delineation between executive levels and provided for ACTPS executives to be engaged as members of the SES rather than to specific executive positions.

These changes were designed to facilitate greater mobility arrangements and temporary assignments across the ACTPS according to an executive’s skills and capabilities and to enable operational requirements in order to meet Government priorities. Whilst reinforcing the ‘One Service’ model, these arrangements also provide career development opportunities and help to broaden the experience of executives across the ACTPS.

In order to facilitate mobility of the SES, all temporary and permanent positions are advertised, with executives encouraged to apply for opportunities in different areas of the ACTPS.

Revised Executive Classification Structure

On 1 July 2018, the PSM Standards 2016 were amended to introduce a revised executive classification structure. This change further supports amendments made in 2016 to the PSM Act by creating a four band 16-point executive classification structure replacing the previous three band  12-point executive structure. This revised structure enables a clearer delineation between executive levels.

The new executive classification structure has been based on the findings of an independent review of the executive structure, the first review of the executive structure conducted since the original structure was established in 1994. The review included a comprehensive inter-jurisdictional analysis of Commonwealth, State and Territory executive structures.

The ACT Remuneration Tribunal issued a new determination to reflect the revised structure which commenced on 1 July 2018.

Remuneration Tribunal Major Review into the Senior Executive Service remuneration, allowances and other entitlements

During 2018-19, the ACT Remuneration Tribunal delivered its major review of the ACT Public Service Senior Executive Service (SES) remuneration, allowances and other entitlements.

This was the first review into ACTPS SES remuneration, allowances and other entitlements since the ACTPS was established. The Remuneration Tribunal acknowledged the significant roles and responsibilities of executives that have evolved since the establishment of the ACTPS in 1994 and the competitive environment in which the ACTPS operates. The Remuneration Tribunal noted the importance of the ACTPS to be competitive with the Australian Public Service (APS) and its closest neighbour, New South Wales. The Remuneration Tribunal is continuing to monitor the competitiveness of the ACTPS Senior Executive Service with other jurisdictions, particularly the APS and NSW.

Standardised Senior Executive Service position titles

During the report year, the Head of Service commenced the implementation of a consistent approach to standardising position titles for executives across the ACTPS. The standardised position titles are:

Executive Learning and Development

A key focus in 2018-19 has been strengthening the leadership and capability of the ACTPS executive cohort. The Executive Speaker Series presents an opportunity for the ACTPS executive cohort to hear from leading key note speakers and provides time for executives to network and discuss opportunities and some of the challenges in improving the way the ACTPS operates. During the year, the Executive Speaker Series focussed on the development of strategic leadership, change management skills and collaboration. There were six events held with an average of 166 participants per event. The speakers included the Chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, the Ombudsman, the Public Sector Standards Commissioner and the Director of Public Prosecutions.

During 2018-19, 58 ACTPS senior executives took part in Executive Learning and Development which provided a focus on policy skills development. During 2019-20 Executive Learning and Development will focus on the Leading Digital Transformation Program. The program will support executives to: