Chief Minister Talkback Summary - 8 March 2019

Posted on 04/07/2019

Calls received on air

Directorate: JACS (ESA)

Issue: There is only one roundabout to enter/exit the Lanyon Valley. This road gets blocked even on a standard suburban morning. What is the emergency planning to get people out of the suburb in the event of a bushfire? Where is this information available?

Action required: Directorate to contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was advised that everyone needs to have a Bushfire Survival Plan. Also discussed were some of the limitations of Emergency Alert and that people need to be aware of what is happening locally.

The caller was advised their suggestion of a Community Information Session would be raised with the relevant officials.

Directorate: CMTEDD (ED)

Issue:  Difficulty booking venues for volleyball training and games.

Action required: Directorate to contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was advised the Planning for Indoor Facility and Other Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Report would be released soon. The report would provide Government with options for future indoor sporting facility provision.

Calls that didn’t make it to air

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: There are daily accidents at Glenloch interchange. What’s required to stop this?

Action Required: Contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was contacted to advise the Glenloch interchange is the busiest part of the road network in the ACT. The majority of crashes that occur within the interchange are property damage type crashes likely caused by inattentive and discourteous drivers. There are no plans for upgrades to the Glenloch interchange at this time. However, the ACT Government is investigating smart solutions such as variable speed limits that can increase capacity and safety by lowering vehicle speeds in the peak hours.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Parking problems in Creswell St, Campbell.

Action Required: Contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was contacted to advise roads ACT regularly amend parking restrictions to best fit the range of user needing parking on-street and that prior to the change being implemented, consultation is undertaken with affected residents and businesses.


Directorate: CMTEDD (ED)

Issue: The NSW Government has doubled the active kids grant to $200 per child. Can the ACT Government introduce a similar scheme in the ACT To help families pay for swimming lessons and team sport registrations?

Action required: Contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was advised the ACT Government is not currently considering a universal voucher program. The officer explained the government provides support through Tenant Participation Grants and Every Chance To Play, and outlined other mechanisms that are available including field subsidies, infrastructure and operational support.

Directorate: EPSDD

Issue: Are ACT Solar Farms also trialling mixed use sites, and are there insect-supporting low plantings? Fire risk would still be low, soil degradation and erosion may be prevented, and extra CO2 take up supported.

Action required: Contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was advised that ACT Solar farms are managed by private companies in accordance with conditions of their deeds, or contracts, under which the ACT Government provides them with an entitlement for their energy.

Under these deeds, the solar farm owners are responsible for managing erosion, invasive weeds, fire risk and maintaining native vegetation.

The caller was advised that approvals for solar farms consider national and international best practice, and that in any future solar farm approvals, vegetation management practices around the world will be considered to ensure that proposed solar farm provides the widest benefits possible.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Tree branches in Collins Park, Forrest are a fire hazard. Could they be removed?

Action required: Contact caller.

OUTCOME: The caller was advised that TCCS will attend the site and remove any fallen branches.  Work is currently underway to clean-up storm damage, but this site will be scheduled as soon as possible.

Directorate: EPSDD (CRA)

Issue: Could the Chief Minister arrange for a 'rainbow' light clock for the Braddon roundabout?

Action required: Contact caller

OUTCOME: The caller advised the CRA has been working with the community to develop the Braddon Place Plan. Over the coming months, the CRA will begin to implement the short-term actions of the plan, testing the outcomes with community to inform the longer term actions of the plan. Through this process, specific actions and timing will be refined to ensure longer term public space improvements complement and celebrate the authentic character of Braddon. The proposal regarding a rainbow clock will be considered as part of this project.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Could you please arrange for a street sign for Henshall Way, Macquarie? People are having trouble finding the address.

Action required: Contact caller

OUTCOME: The caller was advised that a ‘Henshall Way’ street sign will be installed within the next few months.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Can  anything be done about installing a trolley return bay in Trenerry Court at  Coolamon Court (near the post office)

Action required: Contact caller

OUTCOME: The  caller was advised that Cooleman Court Centre Management did not support the  installation of trolley bays in Trenerry St due to occupational health and  safety concerns about workers pushing an array of trollies across Brierly St.

Directorate: TCCS

Issue: Can  anything be done to stop non-disabled drivers using disabled part in  privately-managed car parks?

Action required: Contact caller

OUTCOME: The  caller was advised that the issue would need to be managed by the private  management company. The caller then asked whether a publicity campaign could be  undertaken to remind drivers to park appropriately and was advised this  information would be considered by the appropriate officials.

Directorate: EPSDD

Issue: Will  the Curtin horse paddocks be developed in the near future? If so, could you  provide further information (date, density, etc)

Action required: Contact caller

OUTCOME: The  caller was contacted to advise there are no current plans for the development  of the Curtin horse paddocks.