Summary of Cabinet Outcomes for the Week of 6 November 2017

As part of the ACT Government’s Open Government commitment, this document is a public summary of matters considered by Cabinet. It is not intended to be a detailed set of minutes and does not cover all matters considered by Cabinet. Among matters not covered are materials considered in the formation of the ACT budget, commercial and industrial matters under negotiation, as well as matters that would impact personal privacy, security and the ACT economy. Nothing in this document can be considered a waiver of the Government’s executive privilege.

Crime (Child Sex Offenders) Amendment Regulation 2017

Cabinet noted the amended Crimes (Child Sex Offenders) Amendment Regulation 2017.

Twelve months report on the implementation of ACT Police pursuits guidelines

Cabinet noted the report ‘Twelve months report on the implementation of ACT Police pursuits guidelines’. The report provides an update on the impact of the ACT Policing limited pursuit policy and related legislative reforms introduced in March 2016.


Cabinet endorsed the following appointment(s):

  • ACT Heritage Council.
  • Supreme Court – Appointment of an additional Judge.

Human Services and Social Inclusion Subcommittee

A meeting of the Human Services and Social Inclusion Subcommittee was convened.Ministers and relevant officials discussed matters to ensure all Canberrans have access to the right human services when they are needed, that they can enjoy the opportunities provided by the city and are included and respected in the community.

Economic Development Subcommittee

A meeting of the Economic Development Subcommittee was convened. Ministers and officials discussed economic development matters currently affecting the ACT.

Cabinet Secretary