Rewarding new drivers for being safe on our roads

Released 07/06/2021

The ACT Government is now providing big licence fee discounts for provisional drivers who do the right thing to keep themselves and others safe on the road.

“Canberra’s provisional drivers are over-represented in road crashes – they make up over 10 per cent of crashes despite being just 5 per cent of licensed drivers. We want to encourage P-plate drivers to be sensible and law-abiding road users, building good habits early to make our roads safer for everyone,” said Minister for Transport and City Services Chris Steel.

The new discount means provisional drivers who progress through the P1 stage of their licence without attracting demerit points, traffic infringement notices or court-imposed traffic penalties will receive a 50 per cent discount on the fee paid for the P2 stage of their licence. This represents a current saving of $41.

As the provisional licence is issued for the full three-year period, the discount to the second stage of the provisional licence will be provided when drivers pay for their full licence.

Drivers who progress through both P1 and P2 stages of their provisional licence without attracting demerit points, traffic infringement notices or court-imposed traffic penalties will receive a further 30 per cent discount on licence fees when they progress to their full licence, a current saving of $60.40 on a 5 year full licence fee or $112.40 on a 10 year licence fee.

This means being safe can save provisional drivers up to $153 on current licence fees.

“We are committed to the ACT Government’s Vision Zero goal of no deaths or serious injuries on Canberra’s roads. Vision Zero acknowledges that deaths and serious injuries on our roads are preventable; they are not an inevitability," Minister Steel said.

“Creating good habits in young and new drivers will set them up for safe driving behaviours for the rest of their lives."

Changes to the ACT driver licensing scheme for learner and provisional drivers commenced on 1 January 2020.

As part of the reforms, a two staged provisional licence was introduced for drivers under 25.

he first stage, P1, applies for 12 months and requires drivers to display red P-plates and includes late-night passenger restrictions. The second stage, P2, applies for two years and requires drivers to display green P-plates.

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Chris Steel, MLA | Media Releases

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