Release of report on sustainable funding of ACT’s community services sector

Released 11/02/2022

Minister for Families and Community Services Rachel Stephen-Smith today welcomed the release of the report Counting the costs: Sustainable funding for the ACT community services sector.

“The community sector plays a critical role in delivering programs and services that improve health and social outcomes for Canberrans, particularly for people who are vulnerable or at risk,” Minister Stephen-Smith said.

“This report considers the ACT Government’s funding arrangements for community service organisations and identifies challenges associated with ensuring that funding adequately reflects the real cost of services, as well as the impact of increased demand.

“The 2021-22 ACT Budget included $4 million over four years to support an increase in community sector funding. However, we understand that there is more work to do, which is why the Government commissioned this report jointly with ACTCOSS. We will carefully consider its findings and recommendations.

“Community service organisations are an essential part of a flourishing Canberra, and we value the above-and-beyond efforts of those who work in the sector. This report is a valuable platform for improving mutual understanding.

“ACT Government directorates are already working with their community sector partners on a new way of collaboratively designing and procuring services through commissioning for outcomes.

“The Counting the costs report will inform this process and help us to work together to achieve our shared vision of a Canberra where everyone has the support they need to reach their full potential and participate in the community,” Minister Stephen-Smith said.

ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) CEO Dr Emma Campbell said she commends the ACT Government for its support of the report and its openness to an honest and critical examination of some of the funding challenges faced by the sector.

“The report demonstrates how population changes and the increased complexity of need of community service users in Canberra have compounded pressure on providers and the sector in recent years,” Dr Campbell said.

“We look forward to working with the Government to address the challenges outlined in the report.”

The report, prepared by the Social Policy Research Centre of UNSW, was commissioned by ACTCOSS and ACT Community Services Industry Strategy Steering Group, and funded by the ACT Government and the Community Sector Levy.

The report can be accessed at

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Rachel Stephen-Smith, MLA | Media Releases

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