Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

B.2 Internal and External Scrutiny

Nature of Inquiry / Report Title  Recommendations / Outcomes of Inquiry  Response to the Outcome of Inquiry  Action to Date 
Review of the Accident and Injury Database – Internal Audit (November 2011)  Recommendation 1 - Directorate progresses the procurement for a new Accident and Injury database, and ensures all potential providers are cognisant of the need for compliance with all security and compliance requirements.

It is recommended that all completed Accident Incident Reports are assigned a classification and subsequently stored in accordance with the requirements for the allocated classification in accordance with the ACT Protective Security Policy and Guidelines. 

Agreed - CMTD is progressing the procurement of a new Accident and Injury Database and is currently evaluating tenders to engage an appropriately qualified organisation to commence work on developing this dataset. CMTD currently keep documents under lock and key and electronic documents are stored in a closed network drive.  Continuing - A commercial off-the-shelf incident system has been selected through a tender process.  The tender specifications for the new system require that security meets Shared Services ICT policy.

The pilot of the new system will commence in early 2013-14.

Auditor General's Report No. 1 of 2013 – Performance Audit – Care and Protection System Report (March 2013)  Recommendation 11 - The Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate should provide a mechanism to:

a) increase the transparency of financial information on the Public Advocate and Human Rights Commission presented in budget papers;

b) increase the accountability of the Public Advocate and Human Rights Commission by requiring that financial information reported in their Annual Report is audited;

c) increase the quality of performance indicators, used by the Public Advocate and Human Rights Commission, so that these are aligned with funded outputs; and

d) hold the Public Advocate and Human Rights Commission accountable for reporting on their performance indicators with these being assessed by the Audit Office before being included in their Annual Reports. 

Agreed (c-d) -Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate will work with the statutory office holders and the Justice and Community Safety Directorate to increase transparency of the funded outputs.  Completed - Improvements to accountability indicators were made in the 2013-14 Budget Papers. 
Auditor General's Report No. 3 of 2013 – Performance Audit – ACT Government Parking Operations Report (May 2013)  Recommendation 1 -The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, Justice and Community Safety Directorate, Territory and Municipal Services Directorate and Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate should work together to strengthen 'One Government' governance arrangements for parking operations by:

improving coordination, communication and consultation processes between agencies; and

documenting roles, responsibilities, inter-relationships and accountabilities.

Agreed - CMTD supports the view that responsible Directorates may strengthen 'One Government' governance arrangements for parking operations, by improving existing across directorate coordination mechanisms, and consultation processes and confirming cross-directorate responsibilities.  The proposed strengthening can be addressed through an existing inter directorate committee which oversees the implementation of parking strategies.   Completed - The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate is leading this work through an inter directorate committee, which includes the Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate. 
Auditor General's Report No. 3 of 2013 – Performance Audit – ACT Government Parking Operations Report (May 2013)  Recommendation 12 - The Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate should, in cooperation with the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate and the Justice and Community Safety Directorate, continue to work to:

a) identify smart car parking payment technology options which have the capacity for: accepting coins and notes, credit cards and electronic payment methods; providing an increased level of management information; incorporating enforcement technology to support efficient compliance processes and improve the safety of Parking Inspectors; and

b) advise the ACT Government on whether or not smart parking technology should replace existing parking meters and ticket machines, and if this is to occur what kind of technology should be used.

Agreed - This will be progressed with planned replacement of pay and display machines.

CMTD have engaged specialist advice to help assess and procure upgraded parking payment technology, which will, inter alia, accept electronic payment methods, provide better parking related management information and improve enforcement and compliance outcomes.  A request for tender will be released shortly, which will outline the specifications required.  It is anticipated that this technology will allow for improved data management to assist in future planning.

Continuing – During the reporting period, the ACT Government developed its draft specifications for the replacement of the Territory's 300 off-street parking machines; these were released on 27 July 2013.

Comments received will help inform the final specifications expected to be released to the market later this year. 

Auditor General's Report– Performance Audit – ACT Public Service Recruitment Report (Oct. 2012) Recommendation 4 - The Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate should review and revise the Recruitment in the ACT Public Service guidance document to ensure that it reflects current ACT Public Service administrative practices and requirements.   Agreed - CMTD has commenced reviewing and revising the guidance document Recruitment in the ACT Public Service to ensure that it reflects the contemporary ACTPS Employment Framework and best practice recruitment methods.  Continuing - Updating of the Guidelines for Recruitment in the ACTPS is in progress to reflect the contemporary ACTPS Employment Framework and better practice recruitment methods.  It is anticipated that the update will be finalised by September 2013.  
Auditor General's Report– Performance Audit – ACT Public Service Recruitment Report (Oct. 2012)  Recommendation 5 - The Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate should develop a mechanism or process:

to improve ACT Government agencies' selection committee skills; and

to share information on better practice recruitment initiatives across the ACT Public Service and foster their broader adoption and implementation, taking into account practical issues such as workforce requirements, cost implications and new human resource systems and practices to be implemented by Shared Services Human Resources.

Agreed - CMTD will examine existing selection committee training programs and explore ways to share best practice elements across the ACTPS.  CMTD, in liaison with Shared Services Human Resources, will also examine the availability and efficacy of existing whole of government recruitment and selection training courses presently provided by CIT Solutions.

The ACTPS Strategic Board and HR Directors fora will be engaged to support cross-Directorate planning and information sharing relating to ACTPS recruitment activities and practices. 

Continuing - A number of directorates already hold recruitment and selection training and an ACTPS recruitment training package is available to all staff through the Shared Services training calendar.  Through the ACTPS Human Resources Directors Group, the best way to build on these resources and expertise will be determined.

The ACTPS Human Resource Directors Group is also utilised to share information on better practice recruitment and identify opportunities for improvement.

Auditor General's Report– Performance Audit – ACT Public Service Recruitment Report (Oct. 2012)  Recommendation 7 - The Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate should:

review ACT Public Service higher duties practices and implement procedures to ensure that higher duties  arrangements beyond a six month period are merit based; and

provide guidance to agencies on when higher duties arrangements for five or fewer days are appropriate and what are alternative options. 

Agreed - CMTD, in liaison with Shared Services Human Resources, will explore ways to improve the whole-of-government guidance provided to Directorate delegates concerning the approval of Higher Duties Allowances (HDA).  This will include a Higher Duties Checklist and workforce planning advice contained in the revised guidance document Recruitment in the ACTPS.

A revised Temporary Transfer/Higher Duties Form will also improve the availability of documentary evidence concerning the approval of HDA.

Continuing - The updated Guidelines for Recruitment in the ACTPS will incorporate improved guidance relating to the provision of higher duties arrangements and alternative vacancy filling options.  Through the ACTPS Human Resources Directors, ways to support directorates in improving management and accountability concerning higher duties arrangements will be identified.  
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 1 - Agencies should resolve audit findings in a timely manner and implement processes for monitoring the status of unresolved audit findings; and refer audit findings in audit management reports to internal audit committees for monitoring and follow-up.  Agreed - Internal audit committees within agencies have existing mechanisms in place to ensure audit findings are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis and resolved in a timely manner.  Additional internal processes are also in place to ensure that audit findings are referred to internal audit committees and tracked until completed.   Completed - The CMTD Audit and Risk Committee has existing mechanisms in place to ensure audit findings are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis and resolved in a timely manner. 
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 2 - Agencies should improve the quality of their financial statements, giving particular attention to ensuring the information is clear, complete, accurate and complies with applicable reporting requirements.  Agreed - Agencies will continue to maintain internal controls and check to ensure that data provided in the financial statements is accurate and complete.  Internal audit committees within agencies are responsible for monitoring and reviewing the quality of data and reporting requirements.

The Directorate will continue to ensure that agencies are aware of the Model Financial Statements publication released each year to assist in complying with reporting requirements.

Completed - The Model Financial Statements for 2012-13 were provided to Agencies in April 2013.  
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 3 - Agencies should improve the quality of their statements of performance.  Agencies should ensure that:

the systems used to report results are reliable;

reported results are supported by sufficient evidence; and

sufficient explanatory information on each accountability indicator and how it is measured is disclosed in the budget papers and/or statement of intent and statement of performance

Agreed - Four qualified reports of factual findings were issued on agency statements of performance due to an accountability indicator being overstated, two indicators in two agencies were not measure, and there were insufficient records to enable four indicators to be verified.

Improving performance measures remains an ongoing process by agencies.  Agencies will review performance measures during the Budget and Audit process to improve the relevance and quality of performance indicators and ensure sufficient information and evidences is provided for each indicator.

The Directorate publishes a Better Practice Guideline which is available to all agencies to assist in the preparation of statements of performance.  This guideline includes the requirement to explain material variances from planned levels of performance.

Completed - as part of the budget process.

CMTD publish guidelines

Auditor General's Office-Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 4 - Agencies should comprehensively review and improve the usefulness of their accountability indicators and the related targets.  Agreed - Agencies will continue to review and improve performance measures as part of the annual budget and financial reporting process.  The Directorate's Better Practice Guideline on Statement of Performance require agencies to provide explanations for accountability indicators where either the terms used or methodology used might be either difficult to understand or open to interpretation.  This guideline is reviewed and updated annually.

The Directorate's Performance and Accountability Framework also provides further assistance to strengthen the quality of performance indicators. 

Completed – agencies reviewed their accountability indicators as part of the 2013-14 Budget process. 
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 5 - Agencies should ensure their financial statements and statements of performance contain concise and clear explanations of material variances from planned levels of performance.  Agreed - Agencies will continue to ensure that their financial statements and statements of performance contain concise and clear explanations on material variances.

The Directorate provides a number of guidelines, including the Performance and Accountability Framework, better practice guidelines on financial statements and statements of performance as stated above.  These assist with increasing the quality in explanations of material variances.

Completed – The guidelines are reviewed periodically and incorporate guidance on reporting variances. 
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 6 - Agencies should implement approved policies and procedures which require the regular review of audit logs for errors, irregularities and fraudulent changes to systems.  The results of this monitoring should be documented and reported to management. Agreed-in-part - Agencies continue to monitor audit logs for the presence of errors and irregularities and report findings to management.

Following planned upgrades of the Oracle Financial System and the Territory Revenue System (TRS), audit logs will be better reviewed monitored and irregularities reported.

The Directorate does not agree to review audit logs for the TM1 system. TM1 is not the primary system source of financial information. Oracle E-Business Suite is the primary data sources and holds transaction level information in the General Ledger. Other appropriate processes are in place to review the integrity of data prior to the upload of data into the Oracle system.

Completed – Fraudulent activity and error frequency are minimised through a requirement that information is checked by multiple users at multiple reference points. 
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 7 - Agencies should implement approved policies and procedures governing user access, including procedures for reviewing, establishing, modifying and removing users' access or their assigned roles and privileges to reduce the risk of inappropriate or fraudulent access to critical systems.  Agreed - CMTD will develop documentation outlining the roles and privileges of user access in the TM1 system.  Treasury has a range of existing controls in place that sufficiently mitigate the risk of inappropriate or fraudulent access to critical systems. In progress – Documentation that outlines the roles and privileges of user access in the TM1 system is currently being developed.
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 8 - Agencies should implement approved and tested business continuity plans and/or disaster recovery procedures for key systems.  Agreed - A number of agencies have agreements with Shared Services ICT to review each business continuity plan and recovery procedures for key systems. If the agencies do not have these in place, they are currently being developed internally.

Agencies currently undertake regular testing of their system's business continuity plan. 

In progress – a key systems review is currently being undertaken as part of the Finance and Budget Division's business continuity planning.
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 9 - Agencies should cease the use of generic (shared) user accounts for key systems.

If the use of generic accounts is unavoidable, then the number of generic accounts should be kept to minimum and passwords regularly changed.  A generic user accounts register should be established to monitor and track users who have access to generic user accounts, and how often the passwords for the generic accounts are changed. 


Agreed-in-part -Recent upgrades to major software applications have improved and will continue to enhance agencies internal controls over applications.

Generic accounts in TRS are kept to a minimum with user access tracked.

CMTD will review the number of generic accounts used to access the TM1 system.  However, the Directorate believes sufficient internal controls such as limited timeframes for access, data integrity and reconciliation processes exist which mitigate the risk of inappropriate use.

Ongoing - The use of generic user accounts in TM1 is being reviewed.
Auditor General's Office–Audit Report – Financial Audits – Report No. 10/2012  Recommendation 10 - Agencies should enforce the use of complex passwords to better control access to critical systems.  Agreed - Shared Services ICT performs yearly audits of password complexity as required by the ACT Government password standards.  This will continue on an annual basis.  Systems that contain personnel or financial data have increased security measures in place.

Where generic passwords are used for specific applications (such as Homenet), these are managed and monitored internally by Shared Services ICT.  Many of these applications are also only available to specific users following their log-in to the ACT Government network.

Security options in the TRS will be considered following a system upgrade, which is currently underway.

CMTD will review the current level of password complexity used to access the TM1 system.

Ongoing - TM1 system passwords currently under review. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 1 - The Centenary Unit should implement staff retention strategies for temporary contracted staff to reduce the likelihood of staff leaving prior to the completion of their contracts.  Consideration should be given to cash benefits, as well as non-cash benefits, such as providing additional career development services may include:

assisting staff with resume development;

providing formal references at the end of staff temporary employment contracts; and

assisting staff with securing follow-up employment.

Agreed - The application of financial incentives for key staff will be considered by the Director/ General Manager and the Executive Director and assistance will be requested from Corporate Management to develop a budget and source a relevant supplier/s to assist with resume development.  Completed - A strategy and budget was formalised, in consultation with Corporate Management, and implemented by the end of December 2012. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 2 - Prior to the departure of the current Director, the Centenary Unit should formally develop a staffing strategy as a means to:

document the current Director's existing corporate knowledge and experience;

outline any staffing strategies in response to the unplanned staff departures; and

to assist the incoming C100 General Manager in allocating future staffing requirements.

Agreed-in-Principle - The workforce plan and staffing structure required to develop and implement the Centenary project was developed and formalised in 2011 and recruitment has been undertaken to enable the planning for the past 18 months.  With the exception of one remaining position scheduled for implementation in October 2012, this process is now complete.  A staffing contingency budget exists for unforeseen pressures, and this allows the flexibility required in an event of this nature.  Completed - The workforce and staffing requirements for the Centenary project were developed in 2011, and in October 2012 the Centenary Unit completed the recruitment process.
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 3 - The Centenary Unit should formally develop a post-Centenary plan to ensure that resources are adequately allocated to essential post-2013 activities which will be necessary to achieve and measure the goals of the C100 Program.  Agreed - A post-centenary plan has been developed to enable program wind-up and appropriate evaluation.  Completed. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 4 - The Centenary Unit should further ensure that the C100 Report content is further developed prior to the Director's departure in August 2012 to reduce the loss of corporate knowledge for this task.  Agreed - The Director has completed all Annual Reporting requirements for 2010-11 and 2011-12, which includes the base information required for populating the Final Report Framework.  The Director has worked with the Operations Manager and Senior Program Manager to ensure that all contracts capture the data required in Artifax for the final report.  A detailed handover was provided to the Director's replacement.  Completed. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 5 - The CMCD should determine a relevant ACT Government Directorate / business unit (e.g. Australian Capital Tourism, Events ACT, etc.) to preserve the legacy of the Centenary Unit at the end of the C100 Program.  Agreed - Appropriate arrangements will be investigated in 2013.  Completed - The Centenary of Canberra Unit has undertaken a number of activities to preserve the legacy of the Centenary of Canberra at the end of the program, including arrangements with the Economic Development Directorate, Territory Records Office, ACT Heritage Library and Canberra Museum and Gallery. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 6 - The Centenary Unit should formally develop a Centenary success realisation and measurement plan to ensure that the key success factors of the C100 Program are articulated and are measurable.  Agreed - An evaluation plan is being developed for the C100 project.  Completed - The monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework for the Centenary of Canberra has been finalised.  KPI owners have been assigned and data collection has begun. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 7 - The Centenary Unit should implement a process to ensure the ongoing review of key project management documentation and may include the review of the following:

risk management plans to ensure that documented controls are implemented;

contracts to ensure that insurance documents are valid and updated; and

project management documentation to ensure that they are still relevant. 

Agreed - We agree that it would be beneficial to have risk management plans and insurance expiry dates loaded onto Artifax to automate reminders, and the Centenary Unit has commenced this process.  Completed - The Centenary Unit has revised risk management plans, based on the new ACT Insurance Authority template, in Artifax, including the inclusion of insurance expiry dates.

With the majority of the procurement activity for the Centenary of Canberra Program completed, it has been agreed with Shared Services Procurement that the seconded procurement officers will review all contracts, contract management schedules and files to ensure completeness of data for the purposes of program management, monitoring and reporting.

Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 8- The Centenary Unit should modify their budget spreadsheet to better portray all available contingency across all events/projects within the global budget.  A separate table could be included within the global budget to actively monitor any surplus or deficit funds available throughout the C100 Program.  Agreed - Holding contingencies of approximately 10% against individual projects is standard practice in event and festival management, as is empowering project managers to work independently within these contingencies.  It would be beneficial for these contingencies to be visible in the global budget.  Completed - The Finance Manager has reviewed all budgets and has modified the spreadsheet, which shows the total contingency available across the entire global budget. 
Centenary of Canberra – High Level Review of Project Management – Internal Audit (August 2012)  Recommendation 9 - The Centenary Unit should formalise an Advocacy Group to assist in raising the profile of the C100 Program within the Canberra community.  The Centenary Unit needs to develop a set of standards for the Advocacy Group to ensure that quality controls are in place and to ensure that the members uphold the values of the C100 Program.  Agreed-in-Principle - This process is being implemented (in a modified form) through marketing, via Australian Capital Tourism's 'Human Brochure' strategy and the Centenary's local community campaign.  These campaigns, commencing in September 2012, will integrate local champions and have been developed to achieve the outcome raised in this component of the audit.  Completed - There are a range of public relations and marketing initiatives that were developed and implemented in late 2012 and throughout 2013, which address the outcomes of this recommendation, including the public relations strategy for program communications; the local Like Canberra engagement campaign; and national Pride in Canberra public relations campaign strategy. 
Compliance Review of Classification and Storage of Official Records  - Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 1 - A process should be implemented within CMCD to allow for exception and fault reporting in respect to file management and record keeping.  In addition procedures should be established for regular review and auditing of the recordkeeping system.   Agreed - The revised Records Management Procedures include procedures for undertaking an annual series of reviews of record keeping practices across the Directorate.  Completed -The Revised Records Management Program was approved by the Director-General in January 2013. 
Compliance Review of Classification and Storage of Official Records  - Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 2 - It is recommended that staff be reminded of the following principles of sound records management practice and the CMCD records management policies and procedures with respect to management of hard copy files:

Prompt notification to Records Services of any files deemed to be missing;

Use of file transit slips to record movement, location and "ownership" of file; and

File closure slips are be correctly filed in the old part of the file to indicate that no further papers are to be attached and that subsequent papers be filed in the new part only.

Agreed - This will be conveyed to staff in information sheets and training sessions.  Completed - A Factsheet on managing and storing files has been prepared.  Issues will be included in business unit information sessions in 2013-14. 
Compliance Review of Classification and Storage of Official Records  - Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 3 - CMCD should develop a business case for the implementation of a records management system which is compliant with Australian record keeping standards, metadata standards and the requirements of the Evidence Act 1995.  The decision on whether to proceed to implementation of a records management system should be a risk based decision based on a complete understanding of the costs of implementation against the risks of continuing to operate without an integrated records management system.   Agreed - The Directorate will participate in any whole-of-government moves to develop a business case/pilot study for the implementation of an electronic document management system.  Completed. 
Compliance Review of Classification and Storage of Official Records  - Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 4 - In accordance with the Act and the CMCD policies and procedures manual it is recommended that CMCD conduct regular reviews to determine whether disposal and archiving action is being undertaken in accordance with the Territory Records Disposal Schedule (TARDIS).   Agreed – This is included in the review and audit section of the revised Records Management Procedures.  Completed –The Revised Records Management Program was approved by the Director-General in January 2013.  Issues will be included in business unit information sessions in 2013-14. 
Compliance Review of Classification and Storage of Official Records  - Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 5 - Update the RMP to provide guidance to staff in relation to the disposal or deletion of electronic records which are held on the IT network.   Agreed – This is included in the revised Records Management Procedures.  Completed - The Revised Records Management Program was approved by the Director-General in January 2013.  Issues will be included in business unit information sessions in 2013-14. 
Review of Travel/Cabcharge Arrangements – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 1 - The registers should be modified to align with Director-General Financial Instruction (DGFI) 5.1 so that information such as the approver for issue of Cabcharge voucher, purpose of the travel and intended destination are included in addition to the signature of the person receiving the form.  The registers should be printed off and kept as a hard copy for travellers to sign off on the receipt of a Cabcharge voucher and acknowledge their responsibilities in relation to the issue.   Agreed – Strategic Finance has developed a Cabcharge Register to be used consistently across the Directorate and located on the CMTD intranet.

The register is now aligned with CMTD's DGFI 5.1.

Review of Travel/Cabcharge Arrangements – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 2 - Staff should be briefed on the importance of maintaining documentation to support their charges.  It is recommended that Directorate's Cabcharge users are formally reminded of the importance of ongoing compliance with the prescribed guidelines governing the use Cabcharge cards and vouchers.  This includes ensuring that valid transaction receipt and stubs are obtained and kept by the traveller and travel arrangement staff members.  Agreed - The Directorate has posted an all staff message on the CMTD intranet as a reminder for all Cabcharge users in relation to their responsibilities and accountabilities under DGFI 2.4.  Additionally, as an enhancement to current controls, staff will need to sign for Cabcharge vouchers taken and will be reminded of their obligations to return necessary supporting documentation.  Completed. 
Review of Travel/Cabcharge Arrangements – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 3 - Documentation of the procedures during the stocktake should be recorded including details on the person performing the stocktake, the sample that was checked, and a sign off on the documentation to acknowledge the stock levels at the time of the check.  Any issues identified during stock verification can be investigated and resolved in a timely manner.   Agreed - The Directorate has developed procedures for undertaking Cabcharge stocktakes in order to meet the requirements of DGFI 5.1.

In order to enhance controls, Strategic Finance will perform future stocktakes rather than business unit managers.  The DGFI has now been updated to reflect this procedure.

Review of Travel/Cabcharge Arrangements – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 4 - The Directorate should ensure that each cardholder has a completed application form and an approval or authorisation in the issue for the individual cardholder.  This document should be filed with the cardholders records as part of the card issuance audit trail.   Agreed - The Directorate has amended DGFI 2.4 to include that an approved Cabcharge card application form must be retained on file by the business unit.  In addition, a copy is kept by Strategic Finance together with the Cabcharge Register.  Completed. 
Review of Credit Cards – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 1 - The Directorate should ensure staff are aware of the procedures and responsibilities outlined in Shared Services' Credit Card Acquittal guidance document.  The guidance should be provided to new cardholders and authorising officers, and be made easily accessible on the Directorate website.  Agreed – Current procedures are provided by Shared Services to new cardholders, including Credit Card Acquittal guidance documents.  The Directorate has posted a link relating to the acquittal guidance on the CMTD intranet as a reminder for all cardholders.  Completed - A link to the Shared Services Credit Card Acquittal guidance was posted on the CMTD intranet as a reminder for all cardholders. 
Review of Credit Cards – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 2 - In line with better practice, all cardholders and Business Units should receive training from Shared Services regarding the appropriate use and acquittal of Directorate credit cards.  The procedures found within Shared Service guidance should form the basis for this training.  Agreed – Strategic Finance will target training for individual cardholders regarding the appropriate use and acquittal of Directorate credit cards.  Completed - Training was provided on 20 March 2013 to all business unit staff responsible for the acquittal of credit cards. 
Review of Credit Cards – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 3 - Cardholders should be reminded regularly of the importance of ensuring valid tax invoices are obtained for all credit card purchases.  Agreed – The Directorate has posted an all staff message on the CMTD intranet as a reminder for all credit card users in relation to their responsibilities and accountabilities under DGFI 2.9, 'Credit Cards'.  Strategic Finance will monitor this process and reminders have been set up to be sent out every three months.  Completed. 
Review of Credit Cards – Internal Audit (November 2012)  Recommendation 4 - The Directorate should, in consultation with Shared Services, implement a process to ensure that each cardholder has a completed and approved Agreement and acknowledgement form.  This document should be filed with the Business unit's records to provide a clear audit trail.   Agreed - The Directorate has amended DGFI 2.9 to include a requirement that completed 'Agreement and Acknowledgement by Cardholders of an ACT Government Corporate Credit Card (ACTCCC)' forms must be retained on file by business units.  Shared Services has also been reminded that credit cards will not be handed out to staff unless the ACTCCC form has been completed.  Completed. 
Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 1 - The ACT Government should work closely with the Australian Taxation Office, Fair Work Australia and other Government agencies to do all it reasonably can, including through its powers and responsibilities under ACT workers' compensation legislation, to eradicate sham contracting practices in the construction industry.  Agreed - The Government commits to working closely with Government agencies including the Australian Tax Office and the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Insurance Industry to develop formal arrangements and explore policies to further eradicate this practice.

In 2009 the Government legislated to stamp down on sham contracting. The ACT now has the most diverse suite of workers' compensation compliance powers and amongst the highest maximum penalties for premium non-compliance in Australia.

The Government will continue to work closely with the insurance industry to ensure compliance activities are thoroughly integrated and coordinated.

Completed - Changes made to the Workers Compensation Act 1951 and Taxation Administration Act 1999 in 2009 restored previous information sharing mechanisms that existed between the ACT Revenue Office and the Chief Executive for the purposes of the operation of the Workers Compensation Act 1951. These information sharing provisions are a key plank in the efforts to eradicate sham contracting.

The new claims and policy data warehouse will provide mechanisms to better identify potential sham contracting by drawing together diverse sets of data from the Revenue Office, Compensation Insurers and other entities.

Work continues with other workers' compensation regulators to identify sham contracting.

Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 2 - The ACT Government should urge Safe Work Australia to work with the Australian work health and safety jurisdictions and the national industry partners to ensure appropriate levels of information and training are made available to transient workers in the construction industry. Recommendation 13 - The ACT Government should urge the other Australian work health and safety jurisdictions, through Safe Work Australia, to include provisions for training for health and safety committee members in the harmonised work health and safety legislation.


Supported - The Government has written to the Federal Minister for Workplace Relations highlighting the recommendations in the Report. Contact at Officer level has been made, and through its membership on Safe Work Australia, the ACT will raise the findings and recommendations of the report and actively seek a renewed emphasis on the specific needs of transient workers or workers who are vulnerable due to language, cultural or educational backgrounds, and also the important role work health and safety committees play in addressing work health and safety issues at workplaces.  Continuing - The ACT wrote to Safe Work Australia regarding this recommendation. It was discussed at Safe Work Australia's Strategic Issues Group on Work Health and Safety on 29 April 2013.

The Strategic Issues Group has asked the ACT to work with Safe Work Australia to develop information for transient workers for consideration at a future meeting.

Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 3 - The ACT Government should endorse the targets and priority action areas identified in the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 and work with relevant sectors, including the construction industry, to achieve the strategy's goals.  Agreed - The ACT Government has endorsed the Australian national strategy through the COAG Select Council on Workplace Relations.  Completed - The Government continues to work with relevant national bodies including Safe Work Australia, the Heads of Work Safety Authorities and local bodies including the Work Safety Council and other construction industry reference groups in developing an implementation plan for the national strategy and to target the reduction of injuries in the industry.

The Government has begun an ongoing campaign of targeted information sessions focussing on high risk industries, such as construction. The first session was held on 11 April 2013 and involved a joint information session by WorkSafe ACT and ACTPLA on electrical issues on construction sites.

The national strategy will be a standing agenda item for the ACT Work Safety Council to ensure appropriate implementation.


Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 4 - The ACT should set an initial goal of a 35% improvement in its serious injury claim rate, to bring it below the national average for this measure, by 30 June 2016. Further targets should then be set to align the ACT's performance with the best in the country.  Agreed - The Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations agreed to adopt the target of a 35 per cent reduction in the serious injury claim rate.  This will prove a significant challenge that will only be achieved through a determined effort by employers, workers and unions, and the government.  The target exceeds the new Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 target of a 30 per cent injury reduction by 2022.

Of significance to this recommendation is ensuring that data is collected and reported consistently across Australia. It will be crucial that the basis of statistical and any other measure of performance used to measure progress must be accurate, and have a sound basis that is clearly understood.

Ongoing - The Minister has agreed that the baseline be set at the serious injury incident rate, as calculated by Safe Work Australia, for 2011-2012.

Safe Work Australia has provided the Office of Industrial Relations with the preliminary incidence rate for 2011-12 to set the provisional baseline figure.

In 2011-12, the incidence rate in the ACT construction industry was 30.2 serious injuries per 1000 workers.  This was a 17.5 per cent increase on the 2010-11 incidence rate of 25.7.

Based on these data the incidence rate in the ACT construction industry must be reduced to at least 19.6 serious injuries per 1000 workers by 30 June 2016 to satisfy the 35 per cent reduction target.

Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 20 - The ACT Government should increase the number of work health and safety matters for which Infringement Notices can be issued on both employees and employers, including sub-contractors. This work should be completed by 30 June 2013. Infringement Notices should be published to ensure that the public is aware of malfeasance and has the opportunity to take their future business elsewhere to safer companies.  Agreed - The recommendation will require amendments to the Magistrates Court (Work Health and Safety) (Infringement Notices) Regulation.  Completed - Ten new infringement notices were approved by the Minister for enforcement from 1 July 2013.

Additional infringement offences were added via the Magistrates Court (Work Health and Safety Infringement Notices) Regulation 2013.


Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 22 - The ACT Government should appoint an Industrial Magistrate who could develop knowledge and experience of work health and safety matters and the impact of deterrents on the behaviour of duty holders.  Agreed - In releasing the report, the Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations accepted this recommendation.  Continuing - The Magistrates Court (Industrial Proceedings) Amendment Bill 2013 is scheduled for introduction in the Assembly during sitting week of 6 August 2013. 
Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 24 - The ACT Government should allocate funds to allow the expansion of the current IT solution under development for workers' compensation data to include a single end-to-end solution for the identification, inspection and management of workplace incidents and the associated work safety compliance activity.  Agreed- The Government has already provided funding for an IT solution to support the management of the ACT public and private sector workers' compensation arrangements.  The Government is currently considering how this project can be expanded to provide a single end-to-end solution for the identification, inspection and management of workplace incidents and the associated compliance activity.  This recommendation will enable real time access to management information which in turn, will enable targeted interventions and timely reporting of non-compliance and industry trends.  Continuing - Business analysis of the ICT needs has been undertaken. 
Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 27 - With the exception of the Committee's Recommendation 12, which is replaced by Recommendation 15 in this report, the ACT Government should implement all of the recommendations of the Civil Construction Safety Issues Advisory Committee.  Agreed - The recommendations from the Civil Construction Safety Issues Advisory Committee impact on a range of directorates and processes, from the forward civil works planning stage; to the establishment of a single capital works infrastructure co-ordinator position; and to the government tendering and procurement process. 

Completed - The Office of Industrial Relations undertook a review of all 17 recommendations from the Civil Construction Safety Issues Advisory Committee Report to identify any possible overlap with the Getting Home Safely Report Recommendations.

Three recommendations were identified that do not align with the Getting Home Safely Report recommendations.

Inquiry into Compliance with Work Health and Safety Requirements in the ACT's Construction Industry (Minister Review)  Recommendation 28 - The ACT Government should conduct a stocktake of the construction industry's work health and safety performance as at 30 June 2016 to identify what has been achieved, what is yet to be achieved, and what new targets or strategies should be put in place.  Agreed - The Government will ensure appropriate systems are in place to undertake this stocktake  Completed - A review of the construction industry's work health and safety performance will be undertaken in the second half of 2016. 


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