Better Regulation Agenda

The Better Regulation Agenda has 2 streams of government reform action.

You can also read about the outcomes of these actions.

Stream 1: Policy and legislation

Under the Policy and legislation stream, the Taskforce is making improvements to current policy settings and legislative frameworks and implementing best practice regulatory settings. This includes the following:

Government Procurement for small business

The Taskforce has reviewed the Local Industry Participation Policy to identify options for reform. The Procurement Reform Program is also addressing costs to small business when responding to procurement opportunities.

Improving existing regulatory arrangements

The Taskforce has developed options to improve existing regulatory arrangements and remove unnecessary barriers for ACT businesses. This includes:

Supporting occupational mobility for interstate workers

The Taskforce supported the introduction of automatic mutual recognition for individual occupational licensing.

Licences for 44 occupational registrations including architects, security industry professionals and motor vehicle repairers are now automatically recognised across participating state and territory borders.

Developing a regulatory framework to better support a night-time and entertainment economy.

The Taskforce is working with industry stakeholders to review the regulatory frameworks that impact the night-time and entertainment economy.

The focus of the review is on the core areas of liquor, noise, and planning and what changes Government can introduce to help this sector of our economy to thrive.

Stream 2: Business experience and regulator practice

Under the Business experience and regulator practice stream, the Taskforce will make government and business interactions better, faster and simpler. This includes the following actions.

Better understand business

To better understand the needs of businesses in the ACT the Taskforce:

Provide clear information for businesses

We are expanding the dedicated website for businesses.

Find out more by visiting the Business Hub website.

Provide targeted support for businesses

Businesses can now access one-on-one support for starting and growing a business in the ACT.

Find out more about the Business Assist Team, including how to contact them, on the Business Hub website.

The Taskforce is investigating ways that we can remove inefficient reporting and areas of unnecessary duplication in legislation and regulatory practices.

The Better Regulation Report

In 2022, the Taskforce released the Better Regulation Report which maps out the agenda of reform.

You can access a full, and a summary version of the report to understand what this will mean for businesses in the ACT.