CMTD is committed to minimising the incidence of fraud and corruption through the development, implementation and regular review of a range of fraud prevention and detection strategies.  As required under the ACTPS Integrity Policy, the Directorate has in place a Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plan and a Fraud Risk Register.

These documents were reviewed following the AAs to assess the effect of changes to the Directorate's structure, responsibilities and operating environment arising from the inclusion of staff from the previous Treasury Directorate, including the Injury Management and Safety Unit from Shared Services.

The objective of the Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plan is to provide the basis of CMTD's actions to control fraud and to identify those key activities performed by the Directorate that require the implementation of additional controls to reduce the likelihood of fraud occurring.  The Plan provides an overview of the Fraud Control Framework established within the ACTPS, the role and functions performed by CMTD, including its purpose, objectives and goals, and organisational arrangements.

Against this background, the Plan analyses the exposure of CMTD to fraud and, using a control self-assessment framework, assesses the existing controls implemented to minimise fraudulent activity.  The conclusion of the fraud environment assessment is that, overall, there is a low to medium fraud risk exposure for CMTD.

A number of areas have been identified where there is a need to implement additional controls, and to ensure that the current controls are acting effectively in reducing the likelihood of fraud.  For each of these areas, strategies have been identified to improve the internal control structure.  These strategies are included in the Fraud Risk Register.

The Directorate also provides guidance on the level of conduct and work performance required of the Directorate's staff.

All staff have access (through the Directorate's intranet) to these documents and other information concerning fraud awareness and prevention, together with details of the appropriate contact officers.  These include the Risk and Fraud Plans, the Fraud Risk Register, the ACTPS Integrity Policy, information on the Public Disclosure Act 2012 and procedures for actioning Public Interest Disclosures.

A fraud and ethics workshop was held for staff during the year.

There were no incidents of fraud reported in the Directorate during the reporting period.

Further information can be obtained from:

Sue Hall
Corporate Management
+61 2 6207 0569