C.23 ACT Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing 2010-2014

During the reporting period, CMTD has undertaken a range of activities to support the ACT Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing 2010-2014 through the delivery of the Centenary of Canberra.  These include:

Information & Communication

Information on the Centenary of Canberra Program has been distributed in accessible formats through a variety of media and approaches, making the information more easily available and accessible for older people.  The Centenary of Canberra Program has used print media, radio and online formats to provide information and to promote the program, and through telephone, correspondence, face-to-face and online services

The Centenary of Canberra has sought to distribute information and engage with older people by liaising with peak bodies, government agencies, aged care homes, retirement villages, senior citizen centres, seniors' clubs/groups and senior service organisations.

Health and Wellbeing

The Centenary of Canberra Seniors Focus Group provides advice on various aspects of the Centenary of Canberra including marketing to seniors, event considerations for seniors and transport for seniors.  The meetings also focus on a number of existing projects for seniors and ways the projects can be extended to engage this demographic. 

The Centenary of Canberra has directly supported a number of initiatives to promote health and wellbeing amongst older people:

Respect, Valuing and Safety

The Centenary of Canberra has approved a number of initiatives to promote greater respect and intergenerational understanding of older persons, including;

Work and Retirement

The Centenary of Canberra has actively promoted volunteering opportunities for older people.  The Centenary of Canberra hosted seven community information sessions at locations across Canberra in the reporting period, which resulted in 352 Centenary of Canberra volunteers, many of them being senior citizens in the ACT community.


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